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“It is in the agricultural sector that the battle for long-term economic development will be won or lost” (Gunnar Myrdal).


If logics is to have a say; capacity-building and self-reliance will get agriculture back on the priority list of NGOs and donors. If it is not done right; the farmable land will be bought-up by foreigners and the ground will be exploited and left infertil, as has happened in many parts of China and India. A green revolution may be necessary but lets try to learn from past mistakes and make sustainable revolution, without using up groundwater and soil-fertility. Coordination and regulation is quite essential here.


There are many good reasons why agriculture need more attention:

  • “70% of the poor in developing countries live in rural areas and are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their livelihood”, (World Bank, 2008).
  • If small villages do not offer employment and reasonable living conditions; people will move to cities, and add to the problems of housing there, instead of being part of the solution, where villagers keep the cities supplied with agricultural products.
  • Agriculture is culture; it should be kept that way. Maximising profits isn't everything.
  • Small-scale agriculture should be supported as it is more sustainable then large-scale.



Main International Organization


  • African Development Bank
  • FAO
  • IFAD
  • WHO and UNICEF (Water projects sometimes include irrigation).
  • World Bank







Aid Evaluator seeks volunteers to help find information about organisations.


To gather all of the information needed to help people, all over the world, volunteers play an essential role at Aid Evaluator. The hope is that ordinary, as well as extraordinary; people will become responsible for their local area. Being responsible means updating the site on the available offers of help and trying to keep this information updated.



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Aid Evaluator does not want you money, it wants your backing and your specific knowledge, about projects that help.

Furthermore, Aid Evaluator needs publicity. If people can neither find the help they seek, nor add information about the projects they know of, simply because they are not aware of the existence of Aid Evaluator; it won't do much good.

So do spread the word though Facebook, for instance. The Charity Review is the same as Aid Evaluator only focused on Denmark; to get at least one country to work. The idea cannot work without massive support.


Aid Evaluator


The aid of today is too fragmented, too complex, and often even too inefficient. It is not only big organizations who need to change this; we all need to chip in.

Help has to be easier to find, no matter where you are.

Knowledge about those who offer help has to be available and relevant to the user.

The site can only work if people everywhere add small bits of information.




While agriculture accounts for a third of national income in countries in protracted crisis, the sector receives only 4 percent of humanitarian aid and 3 percent of development aid (FAO, SOFI, 2010).


Relevant Links

  • FAO has good maps for planning your production See here or here


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