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Charitas supports many local small scale offers of assitance for instance to street children. It is a big organization and it assists people in many different ways. There are three department in charge of the projects:"Département Œuvres sociales et caritatives ; Département Santé ; Département Développement" (Caritas Rwanda).



Charitas activities

  • School fees and materials to vulnerable children
  • Food assistance to exposed people such as HIV/AIDS patients
  • Sanitation - builds toilets
  • Helps to build or rebuild houses locally
  • Help to street children
  • Helps disabled people with limbs or surgery
  • Phychological assistance to exposed people
  • Assistance to prisoners with food, clothes and litereacy courses
  • General assistance to poor people



  • étudier les problèmes d’assistance et d’entre aide matérielle, sociale, morale propres aux régions où Caritas exerce ses activités afin d’en promouvoir la solution ; organiser, de susciter, de diriger ou soutenir toute œuvre charitable au service des pauvres et des malheureux de toute sorte


Other relevant information

  • Founded in: 1897 in Germany, 1962 in Rwanda
  • Headquarters: Rue du Commerce, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Religious or political affiliations: Roman Catholic (Secourir les personnes et les familles particulièrement éprouvées sans distinction de race ou de religion )
  • Can Rwandans ask for assistance here:
  • Open for volunteers:
  • How to join a programme: Contact the center
  • Demands for the children:


Financial information

  • Donors: Memberships
  • Budget: US$1.28 million
  • Number of Employees/volunteers: 500 staff 1000 volunteers
  • Lacks?






  • E-mail:
  • Contact Person: Patrick Nicholson
  • Phone:+250 (0252) 574295 or +250 75 786
  • Web-page: see here
  • Address: Po Box 124 Kigali



Why help Caritas?

  • The issues are local and well targeted
  • Caritas helps those most in need



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